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Deelicious ,

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


16teen, 02/04/91.
♥ Pink, Ashley, Apple, Nym, Teng, Lisa, Deedee, Sha.

Friendster . Myspace


13/01, <;3.

The Lovelies ,

{ ♥ } Baby Boo

% 5melur
% aaron
% adam
% adeline
& adrian
% amanda
% arif
% azlan
% carmen
% cherie
% cheryl
% dryl
% jasmine
% jasmine
% jeffrey
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% jillian
% joanne;cousie
% jocelyn
% joveen
% keith
% kent
% kirsten
% kirstin
% kokping
% lalaine
% Leo club of SMK USJ 4
% mandy
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% meijean
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% min hui
% nicole
% picky
% picky ( xanga )
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% ryan
% sabrina
sarah ann
sarah ( sis )
% sarah
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% tiff
% victoria
% vincent
% the virgins
% wen
% wyn
% xin yin
% yas
% zoe

must read.
% About nude not naked
% Belinda Chee
% Brigette
% Quotes

Hear Me Roar ,

Of Yesterday ,
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007

Three Cheers ,
Layout: paperlove
Brushes: moargh JC.net
Fonts: swimchick
Images: ohhspontaneityy
She rock socks!
♥ Saturday, July 28, 2007 12:46 AM

time after time

I had an awesome time yesterday. Banyak berjasa to the lady who we call pinko ;)

We walked to the bridge at USJ5 after school yesterday together to wait for her mum to pick us up. Watched Grey's Anatomy, makan-makan her mum's cooking, mmhmm. Ate spicy kuey teow. Pink gave me all her prawns though, so ngade xmau makan prawns, sedap okay, bodo. But best gak, sbab I had extras. Ate a two whole plate sumore. Pastuh ber-chitty-chatty with deedee too in their room and talked about so many things. Gossip fun gilaa okay. Best best :D Kepochi's la we all. Haha. Then pink showed me all her pretty pictures from all her previous vacations at Bandung, Langkawi and Pulau Kapas. Cooked maggie sumore even after dh makan so much. Who cares la kan? Eating is the joy of life, gemok pown x kesah. Suck in jer ;p Camwhore here and there. Walked to school to picked deedee up, manetau she suprised us with good news. Pfft. Meet Razman after so long :D pastuh went to find Nayim in the field just to see him play manetau he already finnished his game. Cheh.

Had a really deep talk yesterday night with Nayim. Was pouring out and everything and it was really such a dear of him to just listen to me whine about everything. Susah tau nk cari a guy like him who understand me so much. He's really a good friend and I thank God I have him with me even though kadang2 he bushuk gle and prasan hot kn? But it's okay, we're all perfect in each other weaknesses. Sayang you gle2 tau bushuk.

I think I should stop here.
Pictures from pinko's place hopefully will be uploaded soon. My cute cable ade kaki ntah dh menghilang g mane.


Tunning In; Cry - Rihanna
Credits: Tasha :)

I miss my ex boyf so much.

♥ Wednesday, July 25, 2007 11:29 PM

In every individuals life, on and off lovers will come into our life, be there for us, walk with us and hold our hands through the tough journey of life. But sometimes after some time, they'll walk out of our life and only leave footprints and traces of the memories they gave us and sometimes, leave a heart broken into pieces. Then somewhere along the way, another one will come into our life and repeat the same whole routine again. And we'll go through this, over & over again. Something we call the circle of life? Painful but of course, we always have friends that will be always here for us and mend the broken heart, put the pieces back together. Someone who will cry along with you or wipe those tears away. Someone who will listen to everything you have to whine about and never said a single word but only words of comfort. And of course, vice versa. We'll be there for them too and lend them a shoulder to cry on.

I personally have ze bestest friends in the world. Life means so much more when I have them and everything seems a lot more meaningful when I have them around with me when boys and love fail me, let me down and break my heart. And when my world fell apart, when all else fails, they'll be there for me and I know that I'm not alone. I have them to go through this misery with. When I fall down they'll be there to pick me up.

To carry on, somewhere around the world, I believe. Each of us will definetely have someone to love and to be loved. Don't go crying cause your previous relationship had fallen apart and it breaks you into pieces. Be happy cause know that a new one is coming soon and you're so much more closer in finding the love of your life. But of course, every memory we once shared with that special someone will always stays and remain. And sometimes, it'll just bring us back to tears and heartache struck cause you miss that special some. But know that there's so much more to life than just a guy/girl. Memories made together are worth missing but tears are not worth shedding and time are not worth wasting for that someone who left you when you needed them the most. Don't be upset cause he/she has left you here with nothing when you have gave them everything. Smile, cause he/she was once there to walk with you. Don't blame yourself for falling for the wrong guy/girl, believing their lies. Cause know that karma hits and for whatever pain that they have put you through, they'll receive whatever that they have done you wrong at the end of the day. What goes around, comes around.

Letting go of someone you love so much and once was a dear to you is bitter. You feel the pain of holding on, the burden. It's okay to let go, cause when you finally do so, the pain and burden are there no more and you're no longer tied up in that chain you once find it hard to struggle free from.

Live life like there's no tomorrow. Love till it hurts, laugh till you cry. Cause you don't know what will tomorrow brings. And every moment is not worth wasting for things that are already gone. Let it be, if it's meant to be, it'll always come back. Its either sooner or later. If it doesnt, then it was never meant to be in the first place. Don't be afraid to love, cause holding back doesn't make you feel much better either. It's a bliss to feel what the heart tells you to do, than to hold back and be watching from a distance. Don't be afraid to fall, cause someday somehow someone will be there to pick those pieces and put it back. There's always a reason behind every wrong turns we made, and we're suppose to learn from it and try not to repeat the same mistakes again. And after every wrong turn we made, after countless guys/girl had left us, when it comes to the right one, we'll hold on tight cause we know the pain of losing and we'll appreciate that someone special, even more than before.

So, never let the past be something than keeps you from loving someone even more and living your life to the fullest. Cause scars are meant to stay and no matter how hard we try to erase the wrongs, it can never be done. Its meant to stay and to remind us of the silly mistakes we've done before and to assure that we'll never repeat the same mistakes again. Let love be what we live for, and let the past teach us a lesson for whatever went wrong. Let not sorrows and dissapointments bring us down, for we should look at the bright side. There's always a rainbow after every rainy day. And there's always some to be there to wipe those tears away.

We're always stronger after every up and downs we been through, cause whatever is not strong enough to kills us, can never bring us down or break us. Cheer up cause we're still living life with our every breathe. I know, cause I've been through so much, so much that makes me the person for who I am today.

I hope what I have to say in this post will make anyone out there who's going through life trials and tough time feel better.


with love,

Tunning In; Ohh Ahh - the Gritts

♥ Monday, July 23, 2007 12:08 AM

Class was as usual, nothing much to blab about anyway.
Its not like my new physic teacher have three eyes or can read people's mind so yeah.

Its our school's science & mathematics week today.
Every science class had to do a biography about scientist who had contribute to the world of science for the science exhibition and bla bla bla, you get what I mean. I swear my group was the worst among all the others. Everything we did was last minute and we didn't have a proper telescope for our exhibition.
The horror.
Plus, every group will be given marks and the marks are included in our August test. And I'm pretty sure my marks are gonna suck. Oh yeay.

Oh, I'm so malas to go for netball trainning later but it's a must. I mean, we still suck so badly compared to Usj12's school team. And I need to practise more on my foot work and jumps. so yeah, I HAVE to go. I'm praying hard it won't rain cause there's no way my coach would cancel trainning, so we're gonna play under the rain with mudd all overr. Pfft.

Anybody going to Gwen's concert on the 21st August? I so wanna go! Hana, Deedee, Gims & Qilah are all going. Pffft. And JT is coming down to Malaysia on October, I'm praying hard it'll be after year end exams cause I couldn't afford to miss it.

His smile is killer ;)

Tunning In; Like this - Kelly Rowland ft Eve

Pop It Boy,
♥ Sunday, July 22, 2007 3:40 AM

I'm in love with H & M's shades.

My legs are aching, seriously.

Heyhoo, went to Ashley's party last night. It was fab, don't know bout the rest but I've enjoyed it ;)
maybe bcause of the crowd and the music.

Ashley's house was packed with tons of people. Don't know half the crowd there but there were so many familiar faces. Dancing was prolly the best part, but my foot was prolly stepped on every 5 minutes. Haha, cause the place was really jam packed but it's alright. I love the atmosphere.

Birthday girl was looking fine, everyone was ;)
spotted quite a few hot guys thou. haha, menggatal siot.

Meet Yas after so long! Bought me shades from H & M, such a sweetheart kn?
she's gonna stay here for another 6 weeks and celebrate her birthday here with us ;D

Birthday girl & her cake ;)
cute gle okayy.

Love the birthday girl.

Lu's high.

I love Yasmeen Mir!

Emi/Abg hot.


Eng Hoe tinggi!


Awww ;)

Oh, notice there's this really annoying anonymous spamming my tagboard like hell lately? won't seem to stop huh? liked I said, empty vessels make the most noises. I think I'm getting more hits per day now. Thanks eh?

Hung out with Aida & Apple last Friday after school at Brumbys. Had lunch there and walked with the guys and it was quite fun. Fiq got pushed and fell into a bush cause Nayim pushed him, haha. Lepaked at Apple's house and the three of us ate a whole tub of ice cream. Omgosh. And we talked and laughed over silly things, prolly girl talking all the way bout you know what. Guy's, who's not and who's not, gossips and all that. It was fun okayy.

My stuff.
Lasenza paper bag, spongebob bottle, topshop bag.


On the way to apple's crib.

Apple la wey,




It's not what you think okay,

You can stand under my umbrella ;)

went to brumbys again before going to the padang & watched the guys played rugby. Ganas seyh, I tell you. But it was fun watching them & the weather was great. Camwhore like crappp.

Oh, let me introduce you to my bestest guy friend in the whole wide world,

they have the same eyes.
like adik beradik kn?

He loves to smell my towel.

he loves to gossip that's why we click.

he's a chick with a dick!

my love!
syg sgt.

random pictures I've taken in the past few weeks ;)
i'm not really good at photography though.

guess where?
school padang after a heavy rain.

it's the best ride in Lagoon.

the sky is the limit.

you're sent from heaven above.

Topshop is LOVE.


Tunning In; Outta my system - bow wow

♥ Thursday, July 19, 2007 2:44 AM

And it's alright, yeah I'll be fine
Don't worry 'bout this heart of mine
Just take your love and hit the road
There's nothing you can do or say
You're gonna break my heart anyway
So just leave the pieces when you go
You can drag out the heartache
Baby you can make it quick
Really get it over with
And just let me move on
Don't concern yourself
With this mess
you've left
for me

cool eh? hard work tau.

Tunning In; Hey there delilah - Plain white t's

♥ Wednesday, July 18, 2007 6:42 AM

Reply to the anonymous who names he/she LOL

lol: hey girl..u are delicious you're look i'd give you 10 out of 10 but by using big words you cant even spell..seriously..it's a minus 5 dude, i mean u know ur hot but using big words which u cant spell?

using big words that I can't even spell? Exactly, what does BIG WORDS mean and even if I did spell it wrong, why bother reading on then? minus 5 dude? sorry I don't have a stick, I'm a dudette incase you haven't notice.
I know I'm hot but using big words which I can't spell? Since when I self claimed myself to be hot? WOW

lol: you're dam stupid for a hot babe like you..seriously wasted man

Damn stupid? Just for spelling MY BIG WORDS wrongly u can judge me as stupid? I think you're LIFELESS & STUPID. Why? Instead of spamming on my tagboard and reading and finding for all my spelling errors why don't you used those time wasted to take your damn knowledge and use it for something else instead of doing all this crap which is such a waste of time? Now tell me who's wasted? Fool.

lol: learn how to spll la hot chick

I'm sure u made spelling errors. Afterall, u spelled spell as spll? WOW. How perfect you spelled your words. I'm amazed :D * clap clap * YOU SCORE, NOT!

lol: one more..can u change ur way of smiling..im bored with looking at ur lips like tat only

AND NO, I CANT CHANGE the way I smile. Why should I anyway? If you're bored looking at my lips like that you might as well not look. And oh please do notice, you spelled that as tat. Again, I'm fascinated.

lol: y u one eye lid only?

Why you one eye lid only? Can you please explain what are you trying to say here? Cause I don't really get the point of WHY YOU and One eye lid only? Perfect english, KONNONYA.

lol: eh i noticed u got lots of moles man..minus 2 from 5

So what? Its my face, not your's. If it bothers you so much, then don't look. Nobody point a damn gun at your head to look at my mole filled face.

lol: are the moles original or u use marker pen to poke ur face?!

Omg, what kinda questions are you asking me? Are you that stupid to not figure out that those moles are real? and exactly, who would be that lifeless to use a marker pen to draw a stupid mole on their faces. Oh, I forgot, you are THAT LIFELESS.

lol: wee i guess u r jus left with omg ur balance is 3/10

Umm hello? What do you mean by wee i guess you are left with omg ur balance is 3/10? What kind of person with perfect english says " I GUESS YOU ARE JUST LEFT WITH " My balace is 3/10? What are you actually trying to point out? Nothing left to discriminate me with so now you're just making up stories which doesn't make any sense at all? HOW SMART

lol: learn to spell la..ur really hot but dam stupid

Correction. LEARN HOW TO SPELL, YOU'RE REALLY HOT BUT YOU'RE DAMN STUPID. I think I should be stuffing this shit in YOUR FACE.

lol: how's the spelling going on?

Oh GOOD. Better that you at least. Thanks for asking. Much appreciated :D

lol: y u wearing the same shirt only one? so poor meh?

correction, AGAIN. WHY ARE YOU WEARING THE SAME SHIRT ONLY? ARE YOU THAT POOR? its not WHY YOU WEARING THE SAME SHIRT ONLY ONE? SO POOR MEH? this sounds more like manglish to me to your so called perfect english my dear. I'm not wearingthe same shirt only. I wear it repeatedly with different things to match with and who cares If I'm poor? Its not like you're willing to spare me some of your clothes. Why do you even bother anyway? Cause you think I'm gonna be embarassed? HELL NO.

Once again, you have proven yourself pathetic enough for wasting an amount of time in humiliating yourself by humiliating me, which obviously, didn't work. And just to remind you, if you think you are all so great and perfect, which you are not. I can be God and make you king of all LOSERS. Stop discriminating, if you're so perfect, you can be the first to stoned me to death. But obviously, you can't cause you're just the same as me.
So yeah. Bring some brains along next time if you wanna pissed me off cause its obviously not working and shut up, cause I know my game better than you know it.


p/s: I suggest you do this more cause I find it quite fun to reply you.


Tunning In; All of Your Love - Hellogoodbye.

Viva forever,
♥ Sunday, July 15, 2007 4:30 AM

EthanRayMathiasSingho ( the one on the phone)
NayimNorman ( the one holding the phone)

hot kan?

Omg, transformers is so worth watching! I so wanna go and watch it again, maybe this Wednesday with Nayim & Apple. Best gilaaaa.

Yesterday was pretty fun, went to Ciya's place to celebrate her birthday.
Aida, Emiraldi, Syasya, Ameen and all went D:
It was fun, cause everybody knows everybody there and it wasn't packed. We bbq. Actually, Ameen and Farah did all the job D: Oh, we went to the park nearby and sat there, played the swing, chat and look at all the hot guys passing by. It was stupid but fun D;

my favourite pic of all.

Happy Birthday Ciya!

@ the playground.

Aida gone retard.



Omg, I DO NOT look at her that way okay.

Too much glucose.

Like we were back at 5.


Went to Summit later at night with my bro to watch Transformers. After so long, ohmagee. Finally had tickets to go watch it. Nayim was suppose to join us but couldnt make it. Ameen and Daryl was suppose to watch with us too but by the time they got there to buy their tickets it was already sold out so they had to watch the 11;20pm one.

Went to Summit today again with Nayim, Saheb and my bro to watch Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. It was okay, nice but not as good was the previous one. Transformers was still the best D;

Oh! Have I mention? Yasmeen is back and bought me shades! Still haven't meet up with her but I will. She'll be back for 8 weeks this time. Long enough ;p

My parents are out and My sis went to Sg Wang to watch Nicholas with my cousins while I stayed home with bro and cooked my own fried rice, sedap okay. At least it's not too salty or anything (:

Oh umm, I'm too lazy to continue.
But Ciya told me the most unbelievable thing ever! I don't know whether to jump in excitement and joy or to sit and worry if there's something fishy behind it. It just don't seem right but who knows eh?
Oh well, we'll see in time to come.

random pictures from last week.

not so blue afterall.

@ A&W.

take one,

take two.

Myvainpots < ; 3

Ethan looks funny.



My camwhores.
Nayim the smelly, Meyl the monkey && Erms the portugese.

vain, veryy.


I love them

" Like a love song that I'd heard
Slipping through our fingers,

Like the sands of time

Promises made, every memory saved
Has reflections in my mind . "

Tunning In; Viva Forever - Spice Girls